February/March 2025 NEWSLETTER
Greetings from Oklahoma and Happy New Year!
Sorry for the delay of this latest newsletter. The intention was to have one to you by the beginning of January. So here it is even though it is a month late. First we want to catch you up with a summary of last year’s events in regards to Prayer Focus America. Each trip we will be praying at the capitol of each state, which is centrally located and prayer locations in the North, South, East and West sides of the state, which means a lot of miles as we travel across the whole state.
Idaho – April/May
Texas – October
Click the link to visit our website to learn more.
In December we did two PRAYER BLITZES. A prayer blitz is a strategically targeted, intensive prayer day which covers many locations in one day.
PRAYER BLITZ: SAND SPRINGS done in conjunction with our home church, The Stronghold, which is located in the city of Sand Springs, Oklahoma.
PRAYER BLITZ:TULSA where God directed us to certain locations/landmarks around the city of Tulsa, to pray over and claim back territory in our city.
We finished out the year with travel to Louisiana for Thanksgiving with Tracy’s family, while Christmas was spent in Oklahoma with Marshall’s family.
So 2025 is underway and the plans for the coming year are in full swing. Our next Prayer Focus Ministry trip will be happening in April. Some of you may have already seen the announcement on Facebook of us returning to Hawaii for a visit. We believe it is God’s way of keeping us connected to Hawaii and a continuation of the work we started there. We will be in Hawaii from April 21 to May 19. During this time Marshall will be hosting THE FORGE: KAUAI MEN’S CONFERENCE on the island of Kauai in conjunction with Bishop Luigi Figueroa of Reflame Ministries International on Oahu. We believe this trip is the beginning of a yearly event aimed at encouraging and building up the men in the body of Christ. We will also be going to Oahu to revisit some prayer locations from previous prayer trips, to pray again at those locations. We are very likely to be doing the same on Kauai as well. We will also be ministering wherever God opens doors and He has already started doing just that. We will keep you posted on our Facebook page.
That being said, while we are visiting, we are going to be about the Father’s business doing ministry. If God lays it on your heart to plant seed for this trip, we thank you in advance. The ways you can give can be found below. It is in our hearts to be able to bless many ministries as possible while we are there in whatever way we can.
The other trips we are looking at for 2025 are below with approximate time frames.
June – Virginia and Tennessee (2 states this trip)
August – California (end of the month)
September – Oklahoma
We will keep you posted as to when the official dates are set for each prayer trip as well as the locations we will be praying in each state.
On a personal note there are many new and exciting things on the horizon and we covet your prayers as God continues to expand our territories. We will keep you informed as things develop.
May God continue to move inn us, with us, and through us as we work to reclaim territory for God’s Kingdom.
In Christ’s Love,
Tracy & Marshall