Here you will find a collection of our ministry items available for purchase.  Some of the items use our affiliate links to various websites with whom we have partnered.


Weapons Of Warfare Prayers of Victory

by Tracy Michael
Full Color Paperback

Have you ever had a defining moment in time when God revealed Himself and His purposes through a time of great trial and hardship? A time when you had to go through something you would have never expected to encounter? Yet in the midst of the adversity God shows up on the scene, not only with His heavenly hosts to help you but, also He enlists His earthly army-the Body of Christ to stand in the gap and take up your cause. This book is about that very thing. This is a journey I never thought I would make and would have never imagined that because of it this book of insights, prayers and scriptures would be born. This book is what the unified Body of Christ looks like. This is God’s heart for His people. Each prayer, insight and scripture came from believers across the world as they came together in unity under the banner of Christ’s love. May you feel His heart as you read it, feel His healing through each scripture, and receive the victory as you pray and declare the prayers within the pages of this book.


Clicking this link will take you to our Amazon page.

Hawaii Prayer Focus

by Marshall & Tracy Michael
Paperback, full color

This is a book that was created for our Prayer Gathering we had in January 2023.  It is an overview of our seven-year prayer assignment in Hawaii.  We spent 2 years traveling before moving to the island of Kauai where we lived for 5 years while completing our prayer assignment.

This book contains prophecies spoken over Hawaii for the coming revival that will affect the world.  It has all the scriptures we prayed over each location on all of the islands of Hawaii.  Plus there are some full color photographs of our prayer locations taken while we were praying at each of them.


Clicking this link will take you to our Amazon page.


These coloring books were created by Tracy.

Scripture Based Coloring Books

These Scripture based coloring pages series includes scripture verse books, scripture based sayings, and inspirational affirmations. This series is filled with hope and truth and inspiration.The things that come from knowing and spending time in God’s word and His presence. May these coloring books bring many hours of enjoyment and reflection on the One the Scriptures speak about.  The links will take you to our Amazon pages.


God My Healer
Coloring Book

Have you ever had a time in your life where you needed to feel God’s healing touch? Are there times when you just need a gentle reminder that no matter the situation or circumstance, whether the touch needed is physical, emotional or spiritual, God is the One who heals and restores. HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN MAKE ALL THINGS NEW! Included in this beautiful book is 40 pages of inspired scripture and artwork to remind you that no matter what the circumstances look like God is Greater. He is truly the healer and restorer of all things. May this book remind you of this very fact!



Be Still & Know…
Coloring Book

Isn’t it wonderful to know that we serve a God who is always with us? Even in the midst of all of our turmoil and busyness He is always right there with us. And if we just take a moment and listen do you know what we will hear Him saying? In the midst of it all He is saying BE STILL AND KNOW,,, “Know that I am with you, know that I am for you and know that I will never leave you”. The 40 single sided pages of this book are filled with encouraging reminders of God’s ever abiding presence in the form of scripture pages, inspirational encouragement and beautiful flowers and hummingbirds. So grab yourself a copy, find a quiet place and reconnect with the One who loves you and is always speaking!


No One Like Our God
Coloring Book

Ever have those days when you need to be inspired? Or have a day you just need a little encouragement? This book is just the thing to encourage you and brighten your day. It is filled with Scripture and affirmations based on the Word of God. What can bring more hope than that? It includes 40 coloring pages printed on white back ground and one sided so that you don’t have to worry about your favorite markers or watercolors ruining the image on the back side of the pages. Also in this book are beautiful floral pages that add even more beauty to this already beautiful book.I hope this book brings you many hours of relaxation while at the same time inspiring you to know there is NO ONE LIKE OUR GOD!
